Literary and Political Essays

Annotated Edition
Značka: Alma Books Ltd.

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13,81 €
10,56 €
13,81 €
10,56 €
One of the most celebrated novelists in the English language, George Orwell was also a prolific essay writer and literary reviewer, penning articles on such diverse subjects as the craft of writing, international politics and British cookery, and on such varied authors as Charles Dickens, H.G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw and P.G. Wodehouse. This volume collects all of Orwell's major essays, including ?Shooting an Elephant', ?Inside the Whale', ?Politics and the English Language', ?Why I Write' and ?Politics vs Literature: An Examination of Gulliver's Travels', as well as a generous selection of shorter pieces on a variety of literary and political subjects. As a whole, this collection will provide useful insights into Orwell as a committed intellectual and serve as an indispensable companion to his fiction.
Informácie o produkte
Podnázov Annotated Edition
Druh sortimentu Kniha
Autor George Orwell
Značka Alma Books Ltd.
Poradie vydania 1. vydání
Väzba Brožovaná bez prebalu matná
Počet strán 288
ISBN 184749515X
EAN 9781847495150
Interný kód 0467082
Produktový manažér Jana Knopová (
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