
Fully annotated edition with notes and extra material for students
Značka: Alma Books Ltd.

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9,72 €
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9,72 €
7,44 €
A tale of unbridled greed and an insatiable thirst for power set in eleventh-century Scotland, Macbeth has long been recognized as Shakespeare's fastest-moving tragedy, combining relentless narrative momentum with a profound examination of how psychological coercion mixed with personal ambition can lead to murder - and how individual impulses can shape both a man's own destiny and the course of history.
Informácie o produkte
Podnázov Fully annotated edition with notes and extra material for students
Druh sortimentu Kniha
Autor William Shakespeare
Značka Alma Books Ltd.
Poradie vydania 1. vydání
Väzba Brožovaná bez prebalu matná
Počet strán 220
ISBN 1847495133
EAN 9781847495136
Interný kód 0467080
Produktový manažér Jana Knopová (
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