The Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis

Značka: Alma Books Ltd.

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7,83 €
10,23 €
7,83 €
A unique edition of a masterly prose work by one of Italy's most celebrated poets, and perhaps the greatest Italian novel of the Romantic movement. Saddened with his country's loss of freedom, disillusioned with life and racked with loneliness and ennui, university student Jacopo Ortis can only find some comfort in the company of his friends and in his love for Teresa. But when his studies call him back to Padua and he is separated from her, Jacopo's torments become unbearable, and he feels that there is only one way out of his misery - a symbolic gesture against fate, God and all the tyrants of this world. Allegedly based on the real-life tragic story of the Italian student Girolamo Ortis, and suffused with the author's own autobiographical experiences, The Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis is a masterly prose work by one of Italy's most celebrated poets, and perhaps the greatest Italian novel of the Romantic movement.
Informácie o produkte
Druh sortimentu Kniha
Autor Ugo Foscolo
Prekladateľ J. G. Nichols
Značka Alma Books Ltd.
Rok vydania 2022
Poradie vydania 1. vydání
Väzba Brožovaná bez prebalu matná
Počet strán 160
ISBN 184749840X
EAN 9781847498403
Interný kód 0375903
Produktový manažér Jana Knopová (
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