Ultimate Star Wars New Edition

The Definitive Guide to the Star Wars Universe

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43,48 €
33,26 €
43,48 €
33,26 €
This fully updated, comprehensive, and detailed encyclopedia explores the characters, creatures, locations, vehicles, and technology found throughout the entire Star Wars galaxy. Ultimate Star Wars New Edition is an in-depth visual guide packed full of exhaustive information about Star Wars, including The Last Jedi, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and Star Wars: Resistance. All the characters are covered, from Darth Vader to Yoda, along with all the popular vehicles, such as the Millennium Falcon, and all the important events that provide the foundations for the exciting Star Wars story. Ultimate Star Wars New Edition is the ideal go-to resource for fans who wish to brush up on their Star Wars knowledge, and for a new generation of fans eager to start their journey into a galaxy far, far away....
Informácie o produkte
Podnázov The Definitive Guide to the Star Wars Universe
Druh sortimentu Kniha
Autor Adam Bray, Daniel Wallace, Ryder Windham, Cole Horton, Tricia Barr
Značka Dorling Kindersley Ltd
V predaji od 04.08.2020
Rok vydania 2019
Poradie vydania 1. vydání
Rozmery 26.8 x 32.7 x 3.9 cm
Hmotnosť 2.40 kg
Väzba Pevná bez prebalu lesklá
Počet strán 352
ISBN 0241357667
EAN 9780241357668
Interný kód 0313449
Produktový manažér Jana Knopová (jana.knopova@knihcentrum.sk)
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