Under Milk Wood and Other Radio Scripts

Annotated Edition
Značka: Alma Books Ltd.

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It is a moonless spring night in the Welsh fishing town of Llareggub, and all its inhabitants are asleep. As if by incantation, their dreams become audible, and a concert of voices arises. Captain Cat, the blind retired sailor, reminisces about his time on the sea and his drowned shipmates. Mrs Ogmore-Pritchard henpecks her two late husbands, while the organist Organ Morgan harps on about music. As the sleepers awaken and get on with their daily routines, their dreams are reflected by reality, their inner thoughts and feelings by action, and a poignant, lyrical and at times humorous portrait emerges of a small community grappling with the thorns of life.
Informácie o produkte
Podnázov Annotated Edition
Druh sortimentu Kniha
Autor Dylan Thomas
Značka Alma Books Ltd.
Poradie vydania 1. vydání
Väzba Brožovaná bez prebalu matná
Počet strán 288
ISBN 1847495109
EAN 9781847495105
Interný kód 0467078
Produktový manažér Jana Knopová (jana.knopova@knihcentrum.sk)
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